Want to get involved? Help us improve the site content by:
- Managing the site’s translation into Spanish. We already have the right software installed, great professional translators, and the funds to pay them. Now we need someone to bring it all together!
- Reading through new interview transcripts to find good stories and quotes to feature in the “voices” collage.
- Prepping audio content for the “voices” collage. This involves finding the already featured quotes in an longer audio file (with assistance from the accompanying transcripts), creating smaller files of just those quotes, cleaning them up, and prepping them to be posted on the website.
Or, help us improve the site functionality and appearance by:
- Adding audio content to the “voices” collage. This requires familiarity with WordPress, Thesis and html.
- Selecting a new WordPress theme appropriate for our purposes that gets updated more regularly than Thesis, and rebuilding the site in that theme with as little customization as possible.
- Checking for broken links. Please e-mail us if you find any glitches or broken links on this website that we need to fix (unless it is a link to a news source that takes articles offline after a few weeks of public access, such as the Fresno Bee).
These tasks can be done 1) by individuals, 2) through faculty looking for classroom projects for their students, or 3) through NGO’s whose interns might benefit from involvement. Regardless, you’ll have our eternal gratitude, and your name in the “Thank You” section of the website. : )