June, 2021
- 20-1064 - Association of Irritated Residents et al v. Certainteed LLC
- Officials issue warning about poor air quality in Valley
- Bill That Would Add 2 Environmental Justice Representatives to the AQMD Board and Help Improve Air Quality in the South Coast Air Basin Halts This Year but Conversations Will Continue
April, 2021
- 4 in 10 Americans breathe polluted air, with people of color hit hardest
- We keep improving, but Bakersfield still ranks among the most polluted cities in America
- Finding alternatives to agricultural burning in the San Joaquin Valley
- Replacing Fossil Fuels with Community-Led Clean Energy
- Watchdog: Trump's rollback undercut EPA staff
- Advancing environmental justice through law
- California is greenlighting oil wells linked to groundwater pollution
March, 2021
- Development of clean energy should be linked to needs and benefits of low-income communities
- Will Valley air district actually enforce new restrictions on agricultural burning?
- Air board tells San Joaquin Valley growers to phase out ag burns by 2025
- Cap and trade, offsets at a crossroads in California’s climate policy
February, 2021
- Arvin, Lamont area chosen for program to improve air quality in disadvantaged communities
- Big Decisions: The Future of US Environmental and Energy Policy
- California air board OKs crackdown on agricultural burning in San Joaquin Valley
- Air board tells San Joaquin Valley growers to phase out burns by 2025
- Exposure to Pollution Has Long-Term Effect on Multiple Generations
- Air pollution kills. Making that official can help us tackle it.
- State Auditor Says California Air Regulator Overstated Emission Reductions
- The origins of environmental justice—and why it’s finally getting the attention it deserves
- Communities at the Heart of Climate Action
- Limit smoke pollution and support a healthy ag future. It’s time to ban field burning
- Up in smoke: Burns in San Joaquin Valley vineyards, orchards may finally end
- Burns in San Joaquin Valley vineyards, orchards may finally end. What delayed it?
- California is still oil country. This county wants to keep it that way.
- 9th Circ. Ends Challenge To EPA's Diesel Emissions Rule
- Anti-oil coalition presents 7,000 signatures ahead of county meeting on streamlined permitting
- Air District launches $12.5 million program to reduce ag dust
- California Environmental Officials Switch to Offense as Biden Takes Charge
January, 2021
- Will California’s regulators end the cycle of injustice and toxic contamination?
- Kern County towns may be next for emissions reduction grants
- What Biden’s presidency means for California’s environment
- Health, Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration’s Air Toxics Loophole
- Lawsuit Launched to Fight Trump EPA’s Delay in Reducing Air Pollution From Oil, Methane Gas Industries in California, Chicago
- In 2021, California can lead the way on environment re-construction
December, 2020
- The 'Revolutionary' Fight Over California's Hidden Oil and Gas Wells
- Inundated with smoke: Central Valley air quality was uniquely bad this wildfire season
- This California Law Offers Biden a Tool in the Fight for Environmental Justice
- Legacy of a clean-air czar: Clearer skies, bold alliances and bitter controversy
- Dogmatism on Carbon Pricing Mustn’t Derail Climate Progress
- Mary Nichols, California's Great Environmental Warrior, Did Not Fight the Right Battles for Some
- ‘The Fight Against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure is the Fight for Healthy Communities’
- So You’ve Been Publicly Fumed
- Communities Of Color Are Supposed To Be Getting State Money To Reduce Pollution. Where Is It?
- A new town in the hills above Fresno? Not without fixing air quality problems, judge says
- What do Fresno’s neglected and unhealthy spaces have to do with gun and gang violence?
- Latinos in Fresno deserve efforts to reduce climate-driven pollution and illnesses
- The battle over Nichols for EPA
- ‘Pesticide drift’ affecting California health and safety
- Newsom picks new leader for powerful California air board
- Xavier Becerra Brings Environmental Justice to Forefront
- Justice Served
- California’s Environmental Justice Policies Should Serve as A Model for the Biden-Harris Administration
- California Air and Climate Vol. 17: CARB Expands Emissions Reporting Requirements and Considers Indoor Gas Appliances; SJVAPCD Pursues Additional Reductions from Glass Furnaces, Stationary Engines, and the Oil and Gas Industry
November, 2020
- Air district plans to further limit ag burning
- Emissions are down and cap-and-trade revenue is up, but California’s Scoping Plan must accelerate climate ambition
- Groups Question Effectiveness of CA Cap-and-Trade Program
- Can California’s Cap and Trade Actually Address Environmental Justice?
- Can California’s cap and trade address environmental justice?
- California Expands Air Monitoring to Include PFAS, More Toxics
- 9 Questions For Calif. Air Board Leader Mary Nichols
- A Quick Look at the Biden-Harris Clean Energy Plan, and its California Connections
- Valley Air District’s Emissions Bank Likely To Change Following Damaging State Review
- Pesticides from helicopter landed near San Joaquin soccer players, state lawsuit says
- YES! Youth Environmentally Savvy
October, 2020
- Air Board hopes to ban all ag burning, despite incentives drying up
- Parents Sue Chlorpyrifos Makers Corteva, Dow Over Child’s Autism
- Additional measures, enforcement needed in San Joaquin Valley plan for clean air
- Parents Sue Manufacturer of Neurotoxic Insecticide Chlorpyrifos, Corteva (formerly Dow), for Causing Child’s Disabilities
- Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
- Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
- During worst air pollution period ever, Valley Air District delivers hazy warnings
September, 2020
- Air quality in San Joaquin Valley is ‘worst we’ve ever had,’ officials say
- Air district considers alternatives to open burning of ag waste
- Legal Petition Seeks to Close California Forest Carbon Loophole
- All New California Cars, Trucks Must Be Zero-Emission By 2035, Newsom Announces In Executive Order
- In California Conservation and Public Health Organizations Demand Clean Air, Environmental Justice for San Joaquin Valley, NPCA Reports
- EPA Challenged Over San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Approvals
- Conservation and Public Health Organizations Demand Clean Air, Environmental Justice for San Joaquin Valley
- Air district seeks Kern County representative for environmental justice
- California Takes a Big Step Toward Making Polluters Pay for Their Messes
- Fresno area ‘surrounded by fires.’ Residents warned to stay inside from record-bad air
- Plume from massive fires swirling over Fresno area. Here’s how to stay safe
- Where is the ash in Stanislaus County coming from, and how long will it be here?
- In CA: Wildfires continue and the air quality suffers
- Smell wildfire smoke in your home? Here’s a cheap and simple hack to clean indoor air
August, 2020
September, 2019
- Governor Signs Senator Leyva’s Legislation Requiring Smog Checks for Big Rig Trucks
- California Air Officials Dispute EPA Letter Threatening Sanctions Due To Air Pollution
- California Polluters May Soon Buy Carbon 'Offsets' From the Amazon — Is That Ethical?
- We can not let health become like wealth – unequitably distributed: Mike Gatto
- As Indigenous Peoples Protest, California Approves Global Cap-and-trade Plan
June, 2019
- Opinion: California’s trucks should be smog-checked like cars
- Editorial: California Legislature must extend clean-air checks to trucks
- Many States Disagree with President on Climate Change
- Fresno teen's air quality monitors vandalized
- Kern cow manure leads California's anti-climate change efforts
- Failure of fed to increase community protections against ozone forces legal action
- California’s Biggest Secret? How Big Oil Dominates Public Discourse to Manipulate and Deceive
- Clean Water Fund and Partners Co-Launch Community Air Monitors in Lost Hills, a California Frontline Community
May, 2019
- Sensors being deployed across Lost Hills will provide non-regulatory look at local air quality
- Outta here: Gone are the days of the Valley’s ‘pea-soup’ fog; there’s less pollution, too
- To improve the Valley’s poor air quality, focus must be to reduce vehicles on the road
- How to Use Zoning Laws to Reduce Pollution in Low-Income Communities
- Weakling Or Bully? The Battle Over The CEQA, The State’s Iconic Environmental Law
- Letter to the Editor: We don't need any more drilling
- With cleaner Valley air, there can never, ever be any going back
- Is Your City Smart About How to Protect You From Pollution?
- Community Voices: Don't let what happened to my children happen to yours
- California defies Trump to ban pesticide linked to childhood brain damage
- Advocates Challenge EPA For Leaving Weak Clean Air Protections in Place in Eight States
- Can Zoning for Environmental Justice Reverse a Century of Zoning Racism?
- American Lung Association issues new ranking, and guess where the nation's worst air quality is
- L.A. County approves Tejon Ranch project, despite critics’ concern over the environment
April, 2019
- How Big Oil Dominates the Public Discourse to Manipulate and Decieve
- Air Quality Up but Still Poor for Central Valley Areas
- SJ County’s air failing to meet American Lung Association standards
- Trump plan for fracking 1 million acres in California bad for Yosemite, opponents say
- National Parks Conservation Association ReportsTrump Administration Unveils Plan for More than 1.6 Million Acres in California, Including Near National Parks
- Trump plan for fracking 1 million acres in California bad for Yosemite, opponents say
- Trump Administration Plans To Open 1 Million Acres In California To Oil Drilling
- The California Public Utilities Commission Upholds Climate and Air Quality Requirements
- Report: Despite Improvements, Valley Air Still Worst In The Country
- Report: Fresno Valley rank No. 1 in U.S. for polluted air - receives letter 'F' failing grades
- San Joaquin Valley air quality explained – by the numbers
- Trump Administration Releases Plan to Open California to Oil Drilling
- Fracking Yosemite: Administration Unveils Plan for More than 1.6 Million Acres, Including Near National Parks
- Cows, almonds and asthma: San Joaquin Valley's agriculture and air issues
- Car traffic pollution could cause developmental delays in children, UC Merced study suggests
- CA Air Resources Board Stonewalls on CA Data, Yet Sues Pres. Trump Over Emissions Data
- Environmentalists Say They Were Shut Out of Talks on Building Housing Faster
March, 2019
- California Already Has a Green New Deal. Here's How It Works
- San Joaquin Valley is One of the Least Healthy Places in California, Study Finds. Here’s why
- Clearing the Air: Three Victories for the People
- Nunes, Costa, Cox Collide on Climate Change, yet they Represent the Same Fresno County Region
- Farmworker Supporters Believe Pesticide Violations Happening in Fresno, Tulare Counties
- Pesticides and Autism
- New Campaign to ‘Unmask’ Fresno, Cut Air Pollution. ‘We are the Canary in the Coal Mine’
- Hear why Doctors Demand Clean Air in New Unmask Fresno Campaign
- De Leòn Joins USC Schwarzenegger Institute to Launch Statewide Fight Against Air Pollution
- Following Scathing Report, Air District’s Emissions Banking Program Faces Scrutiny
- Blacks, Hispanics Breathe More Pollution Than They Make
- Blacks, Hispanics Breathe More Pollution Than They Make
- Is the American Dream Drying Up in California’s Central Valley?
- Settlement Reached in California Oil Terminal Lawsuit
- Settlement Wins Protections at Bakersfield Oil Train Terminal
- Community Voices: What does 'safety' mean?
February, 2019
- One Nonprofit is Noticing a Spike in Asthma Diagnosis in Children
- Shafter to Benefit from State Community Air Protection Program
- Gov. Gavin Newsom Uses the Power of Appointments to Shape Government in his Image
- Walters: San Joaquin Valley — California’s Poor Stepchild?
- We can’t Wait for Washington’s Green New Deal. California Needs Just Transition Now
- Air Pollution Greatly Impacts the Poor, Study Finds
- Warning Issued for Increased Risk of Respiratory Problems in Several Central Valley Counties
- EDF, Allies Urge D.C. Circuit to Close EPA Loophole for Toxic Air Pollution
- California Cases of Potentially Deadly “Valley Fever” are Starting to Soar
- Air quality Regulators Visit Lamont to Explore New Avenues Toward Cleaner Air
- New jobs or good planning? Fresno can have both in proposed industrial park
- Plan promises cleaner air by 2024
- California’s $5 Billion Clean-Air Plan Lacking One Thing: Money
- Does New Air Pollution Plan Make Valley a Safer Place to Live? Don’t Hold your Breath
January, 2019
- Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints Environmental Justice Warrior To Key Post
- State approves Valley’s new clean air plan
- California Approves Plan to Clean Up Central Valley's Toxic Air
- Smog gets bad quickly in the San Joaquin Valley. Images taken just days apart show the dramatic shift
- San Joaquin Valley’s air ranks among worst in U.S. This plan promises to improve it by 2024
- California approves New Clean Air Plan for the San Joaquin Valley
- Clean-air plan for San Joaquin Valley first to meet all federal standards for fine particle pollution; $5B in incentive funding required
- CARB Aggressively Pursues Tougher NOx and PM Emissions Reductions
- State Air Officials Approve Much-Anticipated Plan To Improve Valley Air Quality
- What keeps families in one of the most polluted places in California?
- Community Engagement At Center Of New State Law On Air Protection
- The “original sin” of air quality regulations is keeping communities polluted. But that’s changing.
December, 2018
- Dismissing science has put these California workers at risk
- California Supreme Court demands a do-over on Friant Ranch environmental analysis
- Teen’s data shows air quality is worse in south Fresno. He’s taking his work to schools
- Valley air board doing poor job of recognizing reality of climate change
- Steyer: Deregulation Is Killing People
- Why Communities Across America are Pushing to Close Waste Incinerators
- Natural Resources Agency Finalizes Updates to the CEQA Guidelines
- California Criticized for Adopting Inadequate Measures to Restrict the Highly Toxic Chlopyrifos
- Groups File Suit to Require Environmental Review for Public Loans to Animal Operations
- Despite decades of cleanup, respiratory disease deaths plague California county
- Election results good news for air quality, climate
- In California’s Fertile Valley, Industry and Agriculture Hang Heavy in the Air
November, 2018
- Balancing act: How does Fresno foster job growth amid environmental concerns?
- California Gov. Jerry Brown Was A Climate Leader, But His Vision Had A Fatal Flaw
- Looking Back in Lemoore
- A Rush to Judgment: The Trump Administration is Taking Science Out of Air Quality Standards
- Sky Protectors' Win Against California's Carbon Colonialism
- Here’s How Many Months are Shaved off People’s Lives in Merced Due to Air Pollution
- Fresno Unified Suspends All Outdoor Activities Due to 'Very Unhealthy' Air Quality
- Big bucks being spent to clean Central Valley air
- Air pollution is shaving years from people’s lives. Where is it claiming the most?
- Air Quality Index Remains Unhealthy Across the Valley
- What the National Weather Service says is trapping fire smoke in the Central Valley
- California Environmental Law & Policy Update - November 2018 #2
- California Air and Climate, Vol. 5: CARB and San Joaquin Valley APCD Advance AB 617; Bay Area AQMD Targets Methane
- Why emissions banking in California's San Joaquin Valley puts air quality at risk
October, 2018
- Clean Air Victory for San Joaquin Valley, Yosemite and Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks, National Parks Conservation Association Reports
- CARB approves $483M funding plan for clean transportation investments; 94% of funding from cap-and-trade
- Valley Air District providing millions to help farmers buy newer, cleaner tractors
- State Officials, Valley Air Advocates Warn Against Proposed EPA Rule
- CARB awards BNSF Railway $22.6M for clean technology pilot program; battery-electric locomotive
- Fresno still ‘ground zero’ for terrible air. Why did Valley Air District blow off major hearing?
- Dirty Air And Disasters Sending Kids To The ER For Asthma
- It’s time to close EPA’s harmful new air toxics loophole
September, 2018
- Shafter to benefit from state Community Air Protection Program
- California counters Trump on car emissions standards, expands other climate rules
- 2018 Ends and Chlorpyrifos Is Still Around
- A Victory in Arvin
- Where air pollution isn’t an abstraction
- Lawsuit Filed Suing The EPA Over Its Failure To Enforce Deadlines Covering State Air Quality Plans In The San Joaquin Valley And Nearby Yosemite, Sequoia And Kings Canyon National Parks
- Bad Air And Inadequate Data Prove An Unhealthy Mix
- Valley Air District Seeks Public Comment On Plan To Improve Air Quality
- Climate Change Mitigation, Air Pollution, and Environmental Justice in California
August, 2018
- Noxious Mix of Smoke And Pollution Stresses Health In California's Heartland
- New air pollution plan ready for public scrutiny. This is no time to breathe easy
- Letter to the Editor: Grassroots air quality sensors
- Air pollution from U.S. manufacturing lower; regulations among other factors credited
- Grassroots air quality sensors spreading to local neighborhoods
- The future of California’s grid waits on two bills
- In Parts Of California Blanketed With Wildfire Smoke, Breathing Is 'A Chore'
- Bad air quality in Kern County: causes and effects
- Pollution Makes the Personal Political
- Air District needs to be clearer about health threats in Valley’s polluted air
- Transition to Renewable Energy: Legislation Puts Clean Air and Vulnerable Communities First
- California Brings Benefits of Solar Power to Low-Income Residents
- Unhealthy air levels send athletes indoors, others looking for the right kind of mask
July, 2018
- 'Disheartening' heat, air conditions continue
- Trump Expected to End California's Car Emissions Power
- Stockton tour an eye-opener for health agency
- How California can make its cap-and-trade program more equitable
- Community Pushing to Halt Further Hazardous Explosive Testing Near Tracy
- State officials dispute cap-and-trade study conclusions
- Local air quality monitoring program to be used statewide
- $10 million in cap-and-trade dollars awarded for environmental justice programs, including to native tribe in San Diego
- California Meets Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal Years Early
- Blacks, Latinos live with state’s dirtiest air
- Cheap Sensors Are Democratizing Air-Quality Data
- Air officials ask Valley residents to consider negative health effects of fireworks
- Merced air is bad from fires up north. Fireworks will make it worse, experts say
- Where there's fire and fireworks, there's harmful smoke to breathe
- Clean energy coalition delivers 38,000 signatures supporting 100% clean energy to California legislature
June, 2018
- 109 elected officials tell Gov. Jerry Brown to get oil out of California
- State Air Quality Board and Transportation Commission to Meet, Explore Mutual Concerns
- Citizen science gives sense of empowerment in Arvin, but there are concerns
- Environmental Justice Groups Disappointed by the Speakers’ Actions to Replace CARB Member
- Hey California, Let’s Spare the Air and Turn Down the Gas
- California election: Cap-and-trade spending gag tanks; other propositions pass statewide
- Hot weather marks start of Valley's ozone pollution season
- California must invest in cleaning up polluted communities
May, 2018
- Will Gov. Brown Plug the Dangerous Hole in California’s Climate Action?
- Air officials enthusiastic about winter air quality improvement — with a caveat
- Odds of reaching newest Valley air pollution standards even bleaker – 2
- Millions Spent to Clean Up California’s Diesel Trucks, but Is It Enough?
- Feds, state provide millions to clean up diesel trucks, tractors — but is it enough?
- To help clean the Valley's air, plan would scrap dirty diesel trucks and tractors
- Despite Tight Restrictions, Open Ag Burning Increases In The Valley
- Despite Tight Restrictions, Open Ag Burning Increases In The Valley
April, 2018
- Millions coming to valley nonprofits to improve health outcomes, create equity
- Region ranks as 13th worst for ozone woes
- Bakersfield ranked worst, second worst and third worst in three air quality rankings
- California has worst US air pollution: report
- Will Fresno ever pass this test? It's another flunking grade for air pollution
- California’s AB 617 — “Community Focused”
- California Attorney General Xavier Becerra Could Bring a Breath of Fresh Air
- BC hosts second annual Health and Social Justice Hackathon
- Valley voters' lives affected by air pollution, and they want change, survey finds
- Survey: Majority of Valley Voter Favor Stricter Air Quality Regulation
- 2018 Environmental Justice Legislative Agenda
February, 2018
- CP Daily: Friday February 23, 2018
- In 46 States, People Of Color Deal With More Air Pollution Than White People Do, Study Finds
- In 46 States, People Of Color Deal With More Air Pollution Than White People Do, Study Finds
- New Environmental Justice Bureau aims to aggressively target environmental health
- Attorney General Becerra Establishes Bureau of Environmental Justice
- Cap-and-trade brings in money, despite Republican backlash
- California Regulators Adopts Plan to Lower Greenhouse Emissions
- How PurpleAir's Founder Put Air Quality Monitoring In The Hands Of The Public
- All this hazy air is making us sick; why isn’t air district protecting us?
- Researchers discover fertilizer is linked to air pollution
- UC Davis researchers find overuse of fertilizer on farms a key source of air pollution
- Nitrogen Fertilizer Found To Be A Significant Source of Air Pollution
- Study Points to Soil Fertilizer as the Likely Culprit of Central Valley Smog
January, 2018
- Researchers Just Found a Hidden Cause of California’s Smog Problem
- With Warming Temperatures, Air District Warns About Expected Pollution
- Big Oil Praises Governor Brown's Final State of the State Address
- South Fresno industrial complex wins City Council approval
- What’s In Your Air? New Low-Cost Devices Monitor Valley Air Pollution
- Money on the way to help fund clean air projects across San Joaquin Valley
- How California Can Move Towards Zero Emissions: Event Tomorrow
- Proposed bill would ban new gas, diesel-powered cars in California by 2040
- Global automakers resist California legislative push for Clean Cars Act
- EPA denies Clean Air Act petition for CAFOs
- California Accelerating Efforts to Reduce GHG Emissions
December, 2017
- Stagnant air flow and high particulate matter elevate air quality to level red
- California’s Scoping Plan: Setting a Path for Climate Targets
- EPA nixes bid to herd livestock under Clean Air Act
- Air Resources Board Actually Talks About the Importance of Walking, Biking
- California Passes New Plan to Hit Climate Change Goals
- Brown’s environmental mixed bag
November, 2017
- Environmental groups stop oil trains in their tracks
- Refinery project involving Bakken crude dealt legal setback
- Groups Stop Rail Terminal Expansion That Would Increase 'Bomb Train' Traffic and Degrade Air Quality
- Arvin air sample, and independent interpretation, Nov 20th 2017
- The environmental injustice and dirty oil behind California's 'green’ facade
- New Project From Google Tracks San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Using Street View Cars
- Smoke waves from climate-fueled wildfires cause lasting health problems
October, 2017
September, 2017
- California Cap and Trade: Climate Problems Solved?
- California rewrites the GOP’s climate playbook
- Clearing the Air: July 2017
- Sometimes Justice Means Having Air You Can Breathe
- State legislators focus on climate, immigration, roads
- Bill to Extend Solar Thermal Program Passes California Legislature
- Climate change hurts our low-income communities
- California Can Lead the Way to a Brighter, Healthier Future
- California Mayors, City Officials Throw Support Behind 100% Clean Energy Bill
- Report outlines steps to implement pollution reduction program
- Advancing Environmental Justice: A New State Regulatory Framework to Abate Community-Level Air Pollution Hotspots and Improve Health Outcomes
- California Water Policy conference sponsored by… the usual corporate suspects
- Farmers, Environmental Leaders Urge Legislature To Support Safe Drinking Water Bill
- They come hat in hand for California’s ‘green’ money
- OP-ED: From Carpet to Clean Air: It’s Time for California to Stand Up for Environmental Justice
- HSUS, other groups allege EPA failed to act on air pollution petition
August, 2017
July, 2017
- Cap-and-trade shouldn't sacrifice clean air
- Cap and Trade: Jerry Brown signs his bill (and calls opponents political terrorists)
- This big carmaker will spend millions to push electric vehicles in Sacramento
- Governor signs bill targeting poor air quality
- Questions remain as Gov. Brown signs legislation to address neighborhood-level air pollution
- Questions remain as Gov. Brown signs legislation to address neighborhood-level air pollution
- Businesses spent millions lobbying before cap-and-trade vote
- Just How Far Can California Possibly Go on Climate?
- Valley Voice: Angst in Sacramento over cap and trade
- Cap-and-Trade Extension: Saving Face and Maybe the State’s Economy Too
- 3,000 People Will Die Because California Lawmakers Extended Cap-and-Trade
- California Will Officially Keep Fighting Climate Change, Even If Trump Won’t
- Justice Deferred: A Break Down of California’s Cap & Trade Bill From The Environmental Justice Perspective
- The Road to Victory for Cap and Trade in California
- Schwarzenegger joins Jerry Brown as he extends climate bill
- California Extends and Strengthens Cap-and Trade Program
- Cap and Trade: “Yes, this deal sucks, but we need to pass something. Anything.”
- The handouts and cronyism behind bipartisan cap-and-trade deal
- California farm region plagued by dirty air looks to Trump
- Companion bill’ to cap-and-trade hits close to home
- California post-2020 GHG Regulation Debate: Compromise Passed Both Houses with a Two-Thirds Vote
- California lawmakers passed a landmark climate change bill — and environmental groups aren't happy about it
- California’s cap-and-trade — symbol or strategy?
- California’s cap-and-trade program is costly, controversial. But how does it work?
- California governor Jerry Brown wins cap-and-trade vote and increases oil industry hand-outs
- What the approved cap-and-trade package could mean to Central Valley residents
- With Rare Bipartisan Climate Support, California Extends Its Cap-and-Trade Program
- CA Legislature Passes Cap & Trade Bill; Questions Remain
- California’s cap-and-trade gets mixed review from Citizens Climate Lobby
- California Lawmakers Extend Cap-and-Trade to 2030, with Republican Support
- Environmentalists stand divided on California cap-and-trade.
- California Bipartisan Vote Extends Cap-and-Trade Another Decade
- Latest California innovation: A Republican case for cap and trade
- California lawmakers celebrate bipartisan cap-and-trade victory
- Cap-and-trade survives razor-thin votes in California Legislature
- California Legislature extends state's cap-and-trade program in rare bipartisan effort to address climate change
- California Environmental Justice Alliance Concerns with AB 398
- From ARB Enviro Justice adviser: Extend cap-and-trade
- Big victory for Jerry Brown as Legislature backs climate-change program
- California Lawmakers Renew State’s Landmark Cap-And-Trade Program
- California Extends Climate Bill, Handing Gov. Jerry Brown a Victory
- As Gov. Jerry Brown pushes cap and trade, interest groups take up sides
- California Climate Crossroads: Gov. Brown is Supporting a Giveaway to Polluters
- California GOP Threaten to Derail Dems’ Cap-and-Trade Deal
- Would Jerry Brown’s climate change law go too easy on Big Oil?
- California's Love Affair With Big Oil: From Marine 'Protection' to Cap-and-Trade Bill
- Cap-and-Trade Showdown: Will Big Oil Have the Last Word?
- Here's why progressives aren't thrilled with Gov. Brown's cap-and-trade plan
- Sierra Business Council Says “Proposed Cap and Trade Extension a Good Compromise for the Sierra”
- Burning carpet at Crows Landing poisons the air; it needs to stop
- Community Voices: Feeling lethargic? Just wait till HR 806 passes
June, 2017
May, 2017
April, 2017
- California’s landmark climate-change program would also fight air pollution under proposal
- Lung Association gives county air a failing grade
- New report finds cleaner air for many, but not all
- Valley air ranks among the worst nationwide, report says
- China’s bad air adds to the San Joaquin Valley’s problems, but the toxic nightmare is already here
March, 2017
- California Adopts Strict Rules for Methane Emissions
- California regulators launch new campaign against harmful climate pollutants
- The utilities’ new electric transportation infrastructure
- Proposed EPA cuts punctuate hearing on Clean Air Act bill
- San Joaquin Valley ground zero for latest Trump effort
- In the battle over California climate policies, green projects are now in the hot seat
- California’s Environmental Justice Advisory Committee opposes carbon trading
- Clearing the Air: PM2.5 and Attacks on the Clean Air Act
February, 2017
January, 2017
- California’s Blue Resistance: Enforcing Water Laws in the Trump Era
- State expands pesticide monitoring network
- Schools in Lindsay, San Joaquin added to pesticide monitoring list
- Big Oil Lobbyist Backs 'Well-Designed' California Carbon Trading Program
- U.S. EPA Releases Annual Toxic Release Inventory Report for Pacific Southwest
- Smoking Polluters: Visible Emissions and Citizen Science in the Valley
- CCA market could rebound, despite lingering concerns
September, 2016
August, 2016
- Delano residents ask for Assemblymember Salas to vote for clean air
- Schools prepare for bad air
- California lawmakers propose spending plan for $1.2B in cap-and-trade funds
- Kettleman City residents may get more help with air and water pollution issues
- SJ Valley may go to hell but air will be clean
- In California Clean Air Fight, Environmental Justice Takes a Leading Role
July, 2016
- "Perfect Storm of Pollution" puts Valley in Danger
- What is new at CCEJN?
- California to Extend Cap-and-Trade System to 2050
- Creating air quality success in California’s heartland: How hard can this be?!
- Activists Unhappy With Air District Petition To Feds
- Activists Unhappy With Air District Petition To Feds
- Valley suffocating largely on truck, train pollution – some cooperation, please!
June, 2016
- Valley air officials seeking federal support for cleaner air
- Valley Air District Asks EPA To Clean Up Pollution
- Valley air district seeks stricter truck, train regulations
- 2016 San Joaquin Valley air pollution half-year report
- Valley air officials demand more from EPA than stricter standards
- Environmental Justice Program Update
May, 2016
- Air District Claims Success While Air Quality Worsens
- Air Quality Lawsuit Adds to Oil Refinery’s Woes
- Life in San Joaquin valley, the place with the worst air pollution in America
- Carbon Markets: How America's regions learned from Europe's mistakes
- Lois Henry: The feds don't like our air? Let them fix it, then
- CVAQ Radio Program: April 2016
- San Joaquin Valley achieves decades-old ozone standard
- No excuses for failing air quality grades; let’s move forward
- Valley’s ‘F’ in air quality is well deserved
April, 2016
- Weakening the Clean Air Act is a really bad idea
- Cleaning the Valley’s air with incentives for ag
- Stanislaus County fails in State of Air report
- Valley officials: Lung Association report is off
- Another simplistic look at Kern's air by the Lung Association
- Valley has ‘F’ air, Lung Association says; data outdated, locals say
- Report Gives Central Valley "F" for Air Quality
- Greens Fight Expanded Refining in SoCal
- Lawsuit Challenges EPA Inaction on Dangerously Inadequate Air Pollution Plan for Alon Refinery in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Lawsuit Challenges EPA Inaction on Dangerously Inadequate Air Pollution Plan for Alon Refinery in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Time to take the chaos out of air quality
- Air district accepting applications for open seat
- Efficient air pollution district flummoxes Sacramento auditors
March, 2016
- Drought Hurts Air Quality
- Valley has nation’s worst air: Rated serious for soot; extreme for smog
- Stacking the AQMD board
- Valley legislators need to improve on environmental justice
- Schools prepare for poor air quality
- Pits of drilling waste threaten water, air safety, report charges
- Farmers look to recycling to rid themselves of old almond trees
- Massachusetts company submits HECA proposal days ahead of state meeting
- Schools Urged To Help Protect Kids From Unhealthy Air
February, 2016
- Stop REDD from Harming Communities Locally and Globally
- Florez To Push Valley Air District To Move Quicker
- Florez: I'll work to clean our air on CARB board
- CVAQ Radio Program: Clearing the Air, January 2016
- Speaker Atkins Appoints Longtime Environmental Justice Leader Diane Takvorian to California Air Resources Board
January, 2016
December, 2015
- Solar is in, biomass energy is out—and farmers are struggling to dispose of woody waste
- Fallen Heroes 2015
- Ammonia regulation delayed
- Environmental justice scores a win in California carbon policy
- Valley fertilizer company fined over $1 million for PSD violations
- Air district insists open-field-ag-waste-burning resumption a ‘last-resort’ measure only
- Latino Leaders Stand Up for Clean Air
November, 2015
- Biomass future a burning problem for farmers
- CVAQ Radio Program: Fresno Air Pollution Research
- A child’s exposure to fine particulates
- Kick-off: Community Cohort to Promote Compliance with Environmental Regulations
- Funds will help clean Valley air
- Clean air is good for business, not just health
- Valley air district gets $6 million to help combat pollution
- Big Oil dirties California’s politics and air
- Big Oil dirties California’s politics and air
October, 2015
- Federal Clean Air Act needs fresh thinking
- Smoky September clouds San Joaquin Valley clean-air record
- Community Complaints lead to over $30,000 in violation penalties
- For California's Drought Towns, the Next Challenge Is Growth
- New EPA smog rules will help you breathe easier but at a price
- Support amendments to Clean Air Act
- Environmental Justice Wins in Sacramento!
- Air may be biggest SJ Valley challenge
- Let’s Talk Health: EPA takes steps to improve air quality, but is it enough?
- Valley will struggle with tough, new air standard
September, 2015
- Air board gets priorities completely wrong
- Air board members should resign
- Diversifying the Air Resources Board
- CVAQ Radio Program: Research linking Air pollution deaths to farming
- Area Leaders: Fix the Clean Air Act or we'll suffer the consequences
- CVAQ Radio Program: Clearing the Air, August 2015
- SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Push to change Clean Air Act Air Pollution Control District wants revision
- Online screening tool reveals racial disparities in environmental health hazards
- Speaker Atkins’ Bill to Increase Diversity on ARB Passes Legislature
- Wildfire Smoke, Heat Creates Unhealthy Air In San Joaquin
- Fires in West Have Residents Gasping on the Soot Left Behind
- Solve Air Pollution with 21st Century Tech: Environmental Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied
July, 2015
- CVAQ Radio Program: Air Quality & Environmental Justice Legislation
- Burn Notice Biomass is coming under fire for polluting the air and threatening wild forests. But is the controversy warranted?
- Air Monitoring Training Workshop
- California Suspends Syngas Carbon Capture Project For Six Months
- Energy Commission Grants Hydrogen Energy California Suspension, Denies Request to Terminate Power Plant Project
- Avenal power plant idea appears dead
June, 2015
May, 2015
April, 2015
March, 2015
February, 2015
January, 2015
- Just how much is Asia's ozone to blame for bad air in the U.S.?
- State's toxic releases post 50% gain, EPA says
- Environmental lawsuit targets oil-by-train terminal near Taft
- Groups Sue EPA Seeking Livestock Farm Air Quality Standards
- Particles fill foggy Valley air, making breathing dangerous
- Great weather but awful air
- Valley’s poor towns need public help to drink healthy water, breathe clean air, EPA leader says
December, 2014
- How environmental justice fared in 2014 — and the outlook for 2015
- EPA’s tougher smog rules to get Sacramento airing
- Residents Return Home After Being Evacuated for 8 Months
- Residents want reassurance another gas leak will not occur in Arvin
- New air standard nationwide, but Valley still heart of ozone harm in U.S.
November, 2014
- EPA wants tougher anti-smog rules
- EPA proposes more stringent smog standard, will impact San Joaquin Valley
- New air standard forces more Valley cleanup
- Bad chemistry took over in Valley’s terrible air siege
- Hazards of Open Pits for Storing Wastewater From Fracking Is Focus of New Study
- Fracking the Poor
- Central Valley Remembers a Crusader for Rural Health
- In Memory of Teresa De Anda
- Drought and Warm Temperatures Cause Unusual Spike in Central Valley Air Pollution
- Chevron fined $329,700 by ARB for sales of illegal gasoline
- Earth Log: Are there lessons in November’s awful air?
- Heat, drought worsen smog in California, stalling decades of progress
- Sunday Memorial Set for Advocate, Loving Mother, Grandmother
- Clovis and Bakersfield, with dirtiest of dirty air, complicate Valley’s pollution battle
- Dangerous air quality keeps kids inside at Kendrick Elementary School
- Earlimart Anti-Pesticide Advocate Teresa De Anda Remembered As Fearless Leader
October, 2014
September, 2014
August, 2014
July, 2014
June, 2014
April, 2014
March, 2014
February, 2014
January, 2014
- MOVING CALIFORNIA FORWARD: Zero and Low-Emissions Freight Pathways
- Is The Central Valley's Air Pollution Affecting Our Cells And Genes?
- One-third in state still live where air does not meet U.S. standards
- New Report Sets a Course for Cleaner Freight Transportation in California
- Death Dust: The valley-fever menace
- Bad Air Quality Increases Risk Of Allergies & Asthma
- A tale of two skylines
- Dry, stagnant winter unraveling Valley air-quality efforts
- Worst Air in the World?
- Red alert: The color purple declared as poor air impacts schools
December, 2013
November, 2013
- Moving California Forward: Zero and Low-Emission Goods Movement Pathways (Technical Report)
- New EPA chief has ambitious agenda
- Meet our new Bucket Brigade Organizer: Gustavo Aguirre Jr.
- Our View: Good news in the air over the Valley
- Breathing a little easier
- Valley Hits New Clean-Air Mark
- Environmental perfection claims another 118 jobs
- Valley stakes claim to cleaner air
- Not Buying Ozone Compliance
- Air officials say: EPA, we want to keep our money
- Drop this $29 million air quality penalty
- Forum explores valley fever
- LES CLARK: HECA will mean jobs, power and product for Kern County
- Fracking probe expands in Central Valley
October, 2013
- HECA project clears ag protection hurdle
- Air pollution a carcinogen, says WHO
- California’s Central Valley: What a Long, Strange Trip it’s Been
- EPA Gives Factory Farms Air Pollution Exemption
- New law will provide renewable energy to renters, small business
- Trastornos congénitos en Kettleman City, California
- Governor Brown signs two more bills to make California Greener! Good for planet, people and pockets!
September, 2013
July, 2013
June, 2013
April, 2013
March, 2013
February, 2013
- Local residents to confront the Kern County Board of Supervisors on proposal to build power plant
- Valley air officials give preliminary OK to hydrogen plant emissions
- Air activist Kevin Hall now with California Nurses Association
- Controversial hydrogen power plant could get needed approval this year
- Distribution centers quietly add to Valley pollution
- Greenaction Reaches Agreement with San Joaquin Valley Air District to Enhance Public Involvement in Permit Actions
January, 2013
- UPS trucks still exchanging trailers in Kettleman
- Valley Residents, Health Advocates Call For Better Protection From Particle Pollution
- Valley air district $500 million fund targets diesel pollution
- State air board approves smog plan
- Environmental reporter considers layers of health threats when reporting on hazards
- New clean-air plan likely to increase no-burn days
- Kettleman City Residents Work to Reduce Diesel Pollution
- Mary Nichols Please Read
- UPS a bad neighbor in Kettleman City?
- Deal made to cut diesel truck emissions
- Bad air in Houston, Phoenix? Not compared to Valley
December, 2012
November, 2012
October, 2012
- Earth Log: Lawsuit challenges Valley's dirty-air penalty
- High Speed Rail in the Valley
- Continued expense to Valley drivers?
- Air-monitor spat could cost Valley millions
- Come on, put that air monitor back
- EPA sued over San Joaquin Valley vehicle fees
- Air regulators push for reinstallation of monitoring station
- Arvin Residents Take On Air Pollution With 'Bucket Brigade'
- Arvin group claims hazardous gas still lingers near Community Recycling facility
- Activists claim air data proves Lamont recycling facility is dangerous
- Everyone Eats There California’s Central Valley is our greatest food resource. So why are we treating it so badly?
September, 2012
- Air District Official Misleads Public With Air Alert Statements
- Back to Getting Directions from the Scarecrow……
- The Co-Benefits Of Pricing Carbon: How Lowering Local Pollution Can Help Achieve Environmental Justice
- Air-quality changes bring mixed reviews
- McEwen: Just like TV, clean-air effort showing reruns
- New goals hard to meet even as valley air improves
August, 2012
- Jesse Morrow Mountain
- EPA approves California air quality plan
- Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Plan to Improve Air Quality Approved by U.S. EPA
- Valley air pollution could halt road funds
- Officials issue air warning for Valley
- Earth Log: Should bad air drive school schedules?
- Clearing the Air – August 2012
July, 2012
- Fracking in the Central Valley
- Valley airs soot woes at EPA hearing
- At Public Forum, Californians Will Tell EPA: Protect Us From Deadly Pollution
- Central Valley's ecological state studied
- Earth Log: Bad ozone day renews debate about warnings
- A Hidden Killer
- The State of the Great Central Valley of California
- Even for Valley, Thursday's ozone was special
June, 2012
May, 2012
April, 2012
- FAIL: the Lung Association's air quality ratings
- Not all are equal in terms of Air Quality Improvements
- Little improvement seen in valley air quality
- Most polluted cities in the United States
- State of the Air 2012: San Joaquin Valley
- Failing air grade seen as deceptive
- California's Lungs Need a Passing Grade
- California’s Progress Toward Clean Air
- Air officials try to counter bad report card
- EPA proposes air pollution limit for Valley pesticides
- Latino concern for environment grows
- His cause is well-grounded
- The American Lung Association's Annual State of the Air 2012 Report
March, 2012
- Arvin Toxic Tour
- Doctors Expect Climate Change to Worsen Lung Diseases
- EPA Ducks Claims Over Backsliding Valley Air
- Ninth Circuit decision in Air v. EPA threatens to disrupt federal highway funding and transportation improvement projects
- Dr. Alex Sherriffs
February, 2012
- Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment February Newsletter
- How Clean Air Standards Save Lives: Even One Bad Air Day Can Increase Heart Attack Risk
- EPA’s San Joaquin Valley smog actions challenged
- EPA’s Refusal To Clean Up Smog Pollution Challenged
- National air pollution story has connection here
- The Second Biggest Air Board Coverup of 2011
- Residents Next to Freeway Monitor Their Own Air
- Hearts and Air Pollution: 5 Deadly Air Pollutants Measured on 5 Continents
- California’s Representatives Must Lead the Way on Clean Energy
- Valley's soul worth more than gravel
- Unrelenting Air Pollution in California's San Joaquin Valley This Winter
- Update: Air Monitoring Task Force in Arvin
- Valley air a priority? We'll see
January, 2012
- EPA commits to help clean area air
- Ninth Circuit Invalidates EPA’s Approval of Valley’s 2004 One-Hour Ozone SIP Based On Failure to Address “Stale” Emissions Data
- Worst Winter on Record
- Residents Challenge Coal-Burning Permit
- Research: Air Pollution: Increased Hospitalizations, Decreased Airway Function
- EPA Provides $21 Million to San Joaquin Valley to Help Clean Up Polluted Air
- California passes new auto emission rules
- It is Insane to Continue Burning Coal in the San Joaquin Valley
- California Must Continue Leading the Country on Clean Cars
- EPA Announces Millions in Grants to Clean Air Projects in San Joaquin Valley
- EPA's valley visit signals hope, officials say
- Court Rejects Weak Central Valley Air Pollution Plan
- EPA's $21m won't fix Valley's toxic air
- Judge: EPA must revisit ozone plan
- Court sends Valley ozone plan back to EPA
- Court tosses San Joaquin Valley air pollution control plan
- Supreme Court: San Joaquin Valley must redo climate control plan
- Court Orders EPA To Revisit its Approval of the Valley’s Ozone Plan
- Winter air pollution raises health worries
- More to the valley's pollution problems than wood-burning
- Bucket Brigade Strikes Again
- Arvin Group Says Toxic Gas Escaping Community Recycling
- Bucket brigade evaluates toxic tour results
- Valley kids head back to school amidst dirty air
- California's Central Valley Slammed By Record Air Pollution
- High Levels of Locally Produced Pollution Cause the Poorest December Air Quality in over Ten Years
- In the RED Sector
- Focus on asthma in the Central San Joaquin Valley
December, 2011
- How bad is the Valley's air right now? Worst in the country
- San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Lawsuit
- EPA Action on Ozone Plan Illegal
- Groups sue feds over pollution plan
- 2011′s top community health issues
- Residents ask for respect
- Arvin community starts its 'bucket brigade'
- Air pollution makes for difficult breathing in south Valley
- Bakersfield reclaims honor as worst air in the nation the past four days
- Kettleman residents protest to air board
- Bishop Blaire’s vision links environmental stewardship, pro-life concerns
- EPA awards grant to environmental group
- Arvin Air Monitoring Project
- California Air Board Moves to Increase Presence of Zero-Emissions Vehicles
- Arvin residents lead "toxic tour"
- EPA grants $50K to local environmental projects
- BINGO! Three in a row!
- Sick Of Soot: How The EPA Can Save Lives By Cleaning Up Fine Particle Air Pollution
- God, the Earth and Ozone: Stockton’s Diocese pushes for clean air, pairing environmental advocacy with faith
November, 2011
- CARB replaces board member who criticized agency
- Pollution puts 1.2 million in Valley at risk
- Breath of Fresh Air on San Joaquin Valley Air District Board
- Fowler doctor named to Valley, Calif. air boards
- OpEd: We Need to Monitor Air Quality At El Tejon School
- Incidence of asthma is choking the Valley
- Legal challenge to Avenal Energy project's PSD permit filed with the Ninth Circuit
- Valley dairies can't afford to go green
- America's 20 Dirtiest Cities
- Groups challenge EPA’s approval of power plant
- Suit Challenges EPA Exemption of California Power Plant From Pollution Laws
- Lies and Deception
- Asthmatic Kids at Risk in the Central Valley
- For Central Valley Families, Air Quality Info Can be Confusing, Hard to Find
October, 2011
- Worst October For Ozone And Particulate Violations Since 2003
- Visiting editors weigh in on pollution, air travel and elections
- Flags work with flying colors
- Arvin Air Monitoring Brigade
- Now Valley is worst in nation for ozone violations
- Recent Air Quality Trends
- Ugly Air in Bakersfield
- Deal made over Altamont's bad air
- Officials propose higher cleanup priority on some pollution
- Valley study links ER visits with bad air days
- CSUF study documents health consequences of Valley air pollution
- New study examines air pollution and hospital stays
- Valley study links ER visits with bad air days
- Air Watch
- Feds asked to ignore some Valley air violations
- Is the valley's air quality getting better or worse?
- Separating ozone fact from fiction
- What’s the Difference Between the New and Old Arvin Ozone Monitors?
- Arvin air monitor move could jeopardize fine's removal
- S.J. joins effort to ease tough Valley ozone rules
- Clean Air Action Day
- Valley air regulators win smog battle with home builders
- Environmental groups, state regulators win major smog case over home developers
- Supreme Court refuses to hear Central Valley air pollution case
- San Joaquin Valley Cotton Crop 2011
- Look out, air board: Kevin Hall's back
- Air Quality Concerns
- Controversia por alertas de calidad de aire del Valle Central
- Partnership lifts Valley's profile
September, 2011
- SJV One-Hour Ozone Violations
- Purple Haze in the San Joaquin
- California: Latinos más expuestos a la contaminación
- Real Time Air Quality Advisory System is a Farce
- Arvin Bear Mtn Monitor Removal
- Why Does California's Central Valley Have Such Bad Air Pollution?
- Air quality takes toll on Latino families
- Flaws in the air district's alert systems & the Arvin monitor removal
- Half of Latinos in U.S. Live in Country’s Most Polluted Cities
- Latinos Increasingly At-risk From Air Pollution, Study Finds
- Taking clean air into their own hands
- Clean Air...Place and Race Matter
- Arvin secures funding to monitor own air
- Obama to Breathers: Sorry, Wait Until 2013
August, 2011
July, 2011
- Top Ridiculous things from the SJV Air Board
- They’re fed up in Arvin and doing something about it
- Local oil industry tops list of air pollution violations
- Trying to clear the air
- West Fresno residents urged to make odor complaints
- When the game gets too close move the goalposts
- Arvin air monitoring station moved; results skewed